▼Nblub | |
▼Nasync | |
CdeadlineTimer | |
Cdispatcher | |
Cmutex | |
CmutexLocker | |
CmutexReadWrite | |
Cstrand | |
Cupdater | |
▼Nlog | |
Clogger | |
Csystem | |
▼Noctree | |
▼Ccontainer | |
Cleaf | |
Cnode | |
Csearch | |
▼Nprocedural | |
▼Nvoxel | |
►Nedit | |
►Nsimple | |
►Nterrain | |
►Ntile | |
►Cconfig | |
Cdata | Default voxel. Contains an 8-bit interpolation value. Replace/derive it and set it tho the voxel classes by template. Watchout when you reimplement a isMax() and isMin(). voxel-container doesnt save these voxel for memory-optimisation. Only return true on isMax() / isMin() if your are able to restore the state by setMin() / setMax(). setMin() has to to have the same results like the default contructor |
Cvertex | |
▼Nserialization | |
CnameValuePair | |
▼Nsync | |
▼Nvoxel | |
►Naccessor | |
Cidentifier | |
Creceiver | |
Csender | |
Carray | |
CaxisAlignedBox | |
CaxisAlignedBoxInt32 | |
CaxisAlignedBoxTemplate | |
CbyteArray | |
Ccolour | |
CdateTime | |
Cdeque | |
CenableSharedFromThis | |
Cgeometry | |
ChashList | |
ChashMap | |
ChashMapMulti | |
CidCreator | |
Cintersection | |
Clist | |
Cmap | |
Cmath | |
Cnoncopyable | |
Cpair | |
Cplane | |
Cquaternion | |
Cray | |
Crectangle | |
CsharedPointer | |
Csignal | |
Csphere | |
Cstate | |
Cstring | |
Ctimer | |
Ctransform | |
Ctriangle | |
CtriangleVector3 | |
Cvector | |
Cvector2 | |
Cvector2Template | |
Cvector3 | |
Cvector3int32map | |
Cvector3Template | |
▼Cconfig | |
Crenderer | |
Csurface | |
CcustomEdit | |
CcustomOgreTile | |
CcustomSurfaceTile | |
Cdata | |
CHandler | Initialises Ogre3d (graphics) and OIS (input) and derives their callbacks. Class shall simplify the examples |
COgreTile | The OgreTile class converts the resulting vertices and indices of the voxel-terrain to the Ogre Hardwarebuffer. The class handles setVisible() when a tile gets cutted because it's too near or too far or a cracks has to get closed. The results of the transvoxel-algorithm for closing the cracks between the lod-tiles get set to submeshes. Every tile contains a Ogre::Mesh, a Ogre::Entity and a Ogre::SceneNode. For more information on how to use ogre3d see http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/manual/ and http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/api/1.9/ |
Cportable_binary_iarchive | |
Cportable_binary_iarchive_exception | |
Cportable_binary_oarchive | |
Cportable_binary_oarchive_exception | |
CRegularCellData | |
CTransitionCellData | |
Cvertex |